Sunday, April 5, 2015


Denny and Lin hosted Easter this year.  Kamden was only 13 days old and we were very grateful for them and all their generosity.  Although, there were only 11 of us, our family continues to change and grow.  We are excited to make new holiday traditions for the little ones and to watch the sparkle in their eyes.

Church with our family

(Pre Easter) Easter Egg Hunt


Monday, March 23, 2015

Kamden Cady Moeller Arrives

Sunday about 7pm, I started feeling contractions.  We spent the day in Carlsbad at an art show and with the Moeller's.  As we were leaving, I asked Kirk if we should just leave Kaison with his grandparents.  Kirk assured me that we would be okay and Kaison came home with us.  At 2am, on March 23, I could no longer take the pain and we called Grandma and Grandpa Moeller to come to the rescue.  They arrived 30 minutes later to our home to stay with Kaison and we were off to the hospital.  Here is a timeline:
2:45 am Arrive at Palomar Hospital
3:15 am 4cm dialated 80% effaced
4am waiting eagerly for epidural from Dr. Mithell
4:30am Epidural administered
4:55am Water breaks (7cm)
5:30am Dialated 9cm
8:35am First Push
8:49am and three pushes later, Kamden arrives 7lbs 8 oz, 20.5 inches long

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On February 10th we made the decision to take my Dad off a ventilator.  After spending 11 days in the hospital, his condition was getting progressively worse everyday.  The collapsed "old" lung had put a lot of strain on the "new" lung and we believe he was ultimately facing transplant rejection.  As my Dad had wished, the doctors used a lot of aggressive drugs to help keep him alive and therefore he was also facing kidney failure.  With the help of my in laws, I was able to visit my Dad almost every day.  Kaison was also allowed to visit before he was transferred to ICU.  Being 35 weeks pregnant, spending lots of time at the hospital, and waiting for calls from doctors at all hours of the night is not something I wish upon anyone to have to go through.With the support of my Mom and my husband and family and friends, I was able to get through it as well as one could.  My Dad was expected to make a full recovery and I still spent as much time as I could at the hospital, and I'll forever be thankful for the time and laughs we shared there.  It must not have been easy going in and out of the hospital as much as my Dad did.  He never complained and was always so brave and strong.  He put up a good battle and was very thankful for the transplant that gave him another 10 months with us.  I'm thankful for many things when it comes to my Dad.  I started a teaching job that was not too far from their house and several times a week, I was able to stop for a visit after work.  After I had my son two years later, I quit my teaching job to stay home and raise him.  This also allowed me to go over to my parents and spend time with them.  I'm thankful my Dad got to walk me down the aisle 6 years ago and I know how happy he was to know that I married a great man.  He also got to see me as a mother and he knew we were expecting another baby and was very proud of all his grandchildren.  Seeing his pictures and thinking about him often makes me sad.  I lost one of the most important men in my life but shortly gave birth to a baby that will soon be one of the most important men in my lives.  Losing a parent is one of the most difficult things to have to go through, but it is part of life.  I'd like to hold on to all the great memories and times we shared together and that is what keeps me going.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Dad Hospital

The evening of January 30th, my Mom noticed that my Dad's right lung was making a "popping" noise. She immediately took him to the emergency room.  It ends up that his "old" lung had collapsed. My Dad has plans in a week to fly to Las Vegas for his annual trip with a college friend.  My father-in-law immediately offered to drive my Dad since he will be unable to fly with the air pressure. He is expected to make a full recovery.

Monday February 2, 2015

While preparing to transport my father to UCSD on February 6th, he stops breathing in the ambulance and is immediately returned to Palomar Hospital.  These are the last pictures we have of my Dad alert and awake,

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Worn Out

After spending the day with Grammy & Papa Moeller, Kaison had no problem falling fast asleep.  He insists on having a book or two in bed with him.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014