Thursday, November 22, 2012


Our niece spent the night with us, so on Thanksgiving Day we headed down to the beach to watch Uncle Kirk surf.  It was a beautiful morning!

Addison & Auntie Missy

Uncle Kirk's turkey creation

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Tri-City Hospital Foundation's Baile 2012 Diamond Ball!!

This was held at the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort in Carlsbad.  Through Kirk's architecture involvement with the hospital we were invited again this year to the ball.  We had a great time, as expected.  It was the first time we left the baby, who was in safe arms with Grammy and Papa Cady.  He just so happened to sleep through the night too!  Business is picking up for Kirk and the hospital is really keeping him busy as they continue to remodel.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gift from G & G Moeller

Thank you Grammy & Papa for the beautiful embroidered pictures and Kaison pillow