Friday, February 15, 2013

Kirk's Birthday Surprise!

I wanted to give Kirk an awesome surprise for his birthday, so I decided to take him skydiving!!  I told him what we were doing about 3 minutes before we arrived at the airport where we would be jumping out of the plane 16,000 feet high.  Our parents, Kaison, and Special Grandma all got to watch.  I had made plans for all of them to secretly meet us there.

                                        Here we are signing our lives away!!


Kaison watching Mommy & Daddy getting ready

16,000 feet high

One more kiss goodbye!

I think he has more important things to be worrying about than bumping his head as he enters the plane
All suited up & ready to fly!!!!

Melissa landing

We did it!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Daddy's Birthday/Valentine's Day

Kai had his own Valentine's Day photo shoot!! He was a great model...........

then, he didn't seem so happy when mommy put a tie on him.

We celebrated the rest of the evening with a lot of LOVE.  Daddy appreciated his surprise birthday dinner!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

5 Months!

Kai is taking about 3 naps a day and sleeping through the night most of the time, which is about 12 hours.We started using a sippy cup to drink water from.  Kai enjoys sleeping on his tummy.  He can now roll from his back to his stomach.  Kai does well sitting through Sunday church services.  We started going to the library once a week and he loves watching all the other children.

Kai loves his cousin Annabelle, who is 13 months older than him

                                                         Laying in bed with Papa Cady