Friday, August 22, 2014

Costa Rica "Babymoon"

We went to Costa Rica on August 22.  We had talked about going to Costa Rica for awhile.  We thought we better do it now, since we had a baby on the way.  We had a fantastic time.  Being pregnant didn't slow us down from swimming, zip lining, hiking waterfalls and volcanoes, kayaking, boat rides and all the other adventures we embarked on during our stay.  We were fortunate to have both our parents help out with Kaison, so we could enjoy our vacation and not have to worry about anything.  We always know he's in good hands when he is with them.  Most of the time he was too busy and having so much fun that he didn't even want to FaceTime when we called.

Arenal Mountains

Hot Springs, Arenal Mountains

Airplane Beer

L.A. to El Salvador to Liberia

El Salvador to Liberia

Cattle Crossing


EcoGlide, Arenal Volcano

Toad Hall, Arenal Mountains
El Viejo Wildlife Refuge and Wetlands
El Viejo Wildlife Refuge and Wetlands
Tamarindo Estuary
Our daily breakfast buffet in Tamarindo
Up close and personal with the Crocs on our boat ride
Tamarindo Beach

PURA VIDA and cheers to our family of 4